Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Gender Equality and Society

Ethical Citizen is one who builds relationships based on humility, fairness, and open-mindedness; who demonstrates respect, empathy and compassion; and who through teamwork, collaboration and communication contributes fully to the community and the world.

I believe that the responsibility of an active citizen is to be knowledgeable about public affairs, to vote in elections and to be involved in your community.

Ethics is a systematic approach to analyzing and distinguishing between right and wrong, good and bad, understanding them and can relate them to the well-being of the relationships.

Sometimes we can see that needs and necessity make a man a social animal, and sometimes Man is a social animal by nature because sociality is his natural instinct that exists in Man.

Many of his needs and necessities will remain unfulfilled without the co-operation with his fellow beings. His mental well-being, safety, social recognition, and love needs are fulfilled only by living in society.

A human cannot survive without society and societies cannot exist without the members. But still, there may be conflicts between the individual and society.

Forming a relationship between the individual and society will strengthen the social system by bringing about a healthy growth of each other.

5 Things that are essential for any relationship in society are Trust, Respect, Attention, Communication, and Love.

Psychologically, men and women differ in the way they process and express emotions. With the exception of anger, women experience emotions more intensely and share their emotions more openly with others. Thus their happiness is more dependent on relationships.

The men have greater problem-solving abilities and cognitive flexibility which can contribute to a positive mood. Women’s reactivity to stress makes it harder for them to challenge their thinking at times and this can result in a low mood.

This inequality of happiness means that it is harder for women to maintain a happy state when faced with social expectations and constraints. Women are more physically reactive to social rejection compared with men.

"United we stand, divided we fall" is most often used to inspire unity and collaboration, so collaboration will bring people closer together, helps to solve a problem with ease. Collaboration is an essential social skill.

Knowledge is power and Life is spontaneous and moves like a pendulum. It can shift in any direction depending on your state of mind. Your response at the moment decides the direction of your life, and more importantly, you can change this direction anytime.

The right state of mind is required to take your life forward. To take your life to the next level requires conscious effort. You have to consciously plan and execute your life in the direction of your choice.

That doesn’t mean you don’t fail. It may happen that you fail at every step, but still, you should have the courage to pull yourself up and keep walking towards your goal.

Conclusion: Here I have discussed about the relationship between individual and society, Unity in diversity, State of mind.


♀ - Female sign

♂ - Male Sign

1. In this picture, The girl and boy are treated equally by allowing them to enjoy equal rights. While playing they are given equal freedom and opportunity. Hence, Gender equality sign is shown, which is already present in this situation between a boy and girl and they are enjoying their human rights.

2. In this picture, the woman is treated badly, so there is a vision to bring gender equity by being fair towards the woman. By focusing on providing health and wellbeing to just women, the symbol says, there is a need for gender equity.

3. In this picture, the woman is given less salary than a man even if they have the same work type, ability, capability and has given the same result/outcome, so there is a vision to bring gender equity towards women and Men. By equal pay for equal work, the symbol says, there is a need for gender equity (Pay Equity Act).

4. This picture says both men and women are protected by government and laws for enjoying their human rights. They are treated equally and given equal justice.


The hidden meaning in this image is as follows

Image highlights about gender, family systems, socialization, and how children are affected. Image shows that there are common issues regarding the gender roles in a family, how kids are affected by the new modern social structure, what are the problems faced in traditional family system, clash in family responsibilities. Image shows how women and men were seen as engaging in certain behaviours and occupying specific roles because they were female or male and we have realized how natural family planning is necessary for promoting gender equality in family and for maintaining women reproductive health, thus it is necessary to involve men in the family planning programme in a big way.

The images show that some child says it likes mother mostly and some say it like father mostly when asked by relatives. Also we can see how the husband protects the wife and mother protects the child, in a family.

We can also see that child is innocent and how elders feel the joy by touching the child's little hand with their big hand, this shows how soft they are and elders have responsibility to bring up the child in a proper way and make them a good citizen.

Gender, Family, relationships and social change

 Gender is an important dimension of family relationships. Early research highlighted gender as an independent variable that is, as a way to explain differences between women and men in marital satisfaction, power in decision making, and so forth. It was assumed that family life was inherently different for women and men.

The relationship between families and gender continues to be the subject of dispute in the social sciences.

Common issues regarding the gender roles in a family

Gender roles are defined by the socio-cultural norms of any society. In most of the societies the family systems are based on the gender roles and it is the pre-designed gender roles that help members of the family to run the family with bound responsibilities. Any disturbance in the gender role aspect may affect the smooth functioning of the easy-going of any family.

The gap between different genders has already melted down, creating an all equal society and more equalized families.

All live together, taking decisions together, expressing opinions openly, criticizing and encouraging mutually and yet being independent and responsible. The society-defined gender roles may crash with the modern roles of family members and many families experience the dilemma of the crashing gender roles.

The origin of gender roles can be dated back to the very establishment of the social life. Ever since man started living in societies, they differentiated between the male gender and female gender and implicated specific lifestyle, duties and functional areas for each of these genders. It was quite needed in the then lifestyle of human beings.

Traditionally, women are expected to stay at home and take care of the children, while men earn wages to financially support their families.

Hunting was the only way of finding a living; thus muscular male members took the role of hunters of food suppliers and physically less fit female members took over the role of home makers and cooks. The masculinity helped male gender to dominate the society and made them authoritative in families.

But the time has grown a lot empowering female gender to almost equal status of men and today, they dare to live independent of the help of men and at times, to the extent of questioning men in different aspects. The newly gained power makes women get out of the norms and define new gender roles in the family, which may often result in clashes in the family.

Issues of Equality in Family

The modern social structure sees both men and women as equal partners of the society with equal rights, status and responsibility. This is a sudden change of concepts of a male dominated society. In the families, people who have observed authoritarian father and submissive mothers may expect the same when they setup their own families.

The equal status may disturb the husbands as the laid-underneath superiority elements may require certain amount of time to dissolve themselves and accept the new socio-cultural setup. The aspect of equality will give rise to certain issues too. Who is to direct and who to be directed? Who is the authority in family related issues? etc., may put the family in trouble.

Clash in Family Responsibilities

Family is not just an institution of many people living together under one roof; but the union of similar minded or mutually loving people bound with certain duties and responsibilities. The gender role structure was deliberately designed by the initial social setups to help the people accept and realize the specific duties each gender bound to.

But today, both the parents work and earn for the family and both father and mother enjoys equal social statues and financial independence. At this point, the role of homemaker becomes no one's responsibility and both the partners may insist the other one to be the homemaker. Adjustments, understanding and empathy are the advised aspects that may help a smooth running family. Clinging to the century old concepts and lifestyles may help only to worsen the situation.

Kids and Gender Roles

Traditional family system had enough time dedicated for the kids as the mother was responsible for the entire process of childcare and development, when the father had to bring in the essential food supplies. But modern lifestyle makes both the parents busy working for the family and earning the amount to meet the demands of life. Kids many a times are left with caretakers or paid nannies.

Such lifestyles may affect the families badly as children may grow unaffectionate to the parents. It is quite difficult for any parent to balance between the modern lifestyle and parenting or homemaker tasks. Kids need to be trained to cop up with the family roles. This will help them to be more understanding and affectionate to parents.

 From birth, children need experiences and relationships that show them they’re valued, capable human beings who bring pleasure to others. Positive attention, reactions and responses from key grown-ups help children build a picture of how valued they are.

Your child’s self-image builds up over time with positive, loving messages from you and other important people in his life. A healthy self-image is very important, not only for your child’s relationship with others, but also for his confidence as he learns about the world.

Your child’s feelings of security and safety come from her interactions with you and the other people who care for her.

All children do best in an environment where they’re supported, encouraged and enjoyed. They grow and develop through repeated, positive interactions in their first relationships.

Daily activities like changing a nappy, supervising a bath or walking to school let you connect with your child in meaningful ways.

No matter what your child’s age, there are simple things you can do every day to send the message that your child is special and important.

Even though your child’s world expands when she goes to school, your warmth, love and positive attention are still the biggest influences on her development.

When parents are regularly distracted or can’t focus on their children’s needs, children can be negatively affected. If this begins at infancy and keeps happening, babies as young as six months can show signs of stress. This can affect children’s health and wellbeing in the early years as well as in the future.

Natural Family Planning

Natural family planning is the safest answer to the “How to plan for family” question. This is the only option that is absolutely free of any cost and side-effects.

Benefits of family planning

·         Some family planning methods, such as condoms, help prevent the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

·         Family planning reduces the need for abortion, especially unsafe abortion.

·         Family planning reinforces people’s rights to determine the number and spacing of their children.

·         By preventing unintended pregnancy, family planning  prevents deaths of mothers and children.


The following image depicts that all the children who do not have privilege/facilities like good education at their early childhood will not have a good future ahead.

It also shows that the lifestyle of urban people (people living in society) are more privileged with luxurious facilities than those who live in rural areas.

The educated and strong women can raise their voice and get their problem solved by contacting the concerned authority. She will know whom to contact and thus make an effort to get the solution to her problem.

The following image portrays that what are the after-effects or the consequences of not having an education at the right age; will make them be slaves to others for their whole lifetime.

Because they do not have a good education in good institutes and facilities as you find in cities, they just have to land up doing just hard work such and tough jobs will not fetch them good income to run their families.

In villages, villagers face a lot of difficulties while doing any projects for their village, due to fewer network facilities and less technical knowledge, they have to compromise all their activities manually using pen and paper.

If they are educated or have a degree in agriculture stream and technology, they could have used technology in a better way in agriculture or to do difficult jobs to get a good outcome/result.

Also, rural people are not equipped with a laptop or other gadgets as urban people use them in their life and job to simplify their lifestyles.

Rural people should be made aware of how to use technology effectively in a positive and better way and it should help them to simplify their job, for example, cleaning the drainage should not be done manually but artificial intelligence and equipment can be used to do the same job in a cost-effective manner without risking a life.

We can see how education changes each person’s life, if and only if value education is given to people, on how to use technology effectively in a constructive way in their own circumstances, like fisherman should know how to use technology to do his job effectively. Technology means not just sitting in front of a computer and browsing or getting information, it’s all about to know how to use them effectively by different sectors of people in a manner that will be helpful to do their business.

We can also save trees by using softcopies then hard copies, use a computer to store and share information among others effectively.

The following image represents and reminded me that how to think before you ink. And how to make communication effective by using think, pair, and share which is one of the collaborative approaches.

The picture also shows how to make effective group discussions or communication by using computers with other parts of the world.

But those who are not educated they need to be isolated from the globe and stick to smaller grouping strategy and are restricted to narrow thoughts. But those who are educated have a border mind and can communicate effectively in the global world (with rest of the world) and also if they are daring enough, can travel to different parts of the world and even can comfortably live or settle in any part of the world.  For example, the USA is a multi-cultural nation that attracts people from all parts of the world. US society is immigrant-friendly.

Those who have finished their higher education and hold a degree lead their life as per their wish and see success in every part of their life. And as a consequence, they will be a better part of the world, and go abroad and enjoy the facilities they can afford to. Also, become a good responsible citizen and contribute back to the society. Educated women and men will be able to step in to be a dreamer, doer, maker, and will believe in their own potential to create a better future for themselves and others.

Here we can see a woman plays the role of village headmen and she is a person who is responsible for becoming a very important factor in solving the conflict in the village. They stop problems and also change conflicts in positive ways through their authority. They could alleviate the conflict issues before sending them to the court. They perform their roles based on their potential, skills, and feature of disputes as well as conflict situations.

Village life reflects the rural lifestyle and city life shows the urban lifestyle. Life in both rural and urban areas has its own plus points and problems. One is quite different from each other. Traditionally, India is a predominantly rural country because; real India lives in villages. Though India is mainly a land of villages, there are many cities as well in the country.  Life in these big cities is quite different from life in a village.

In big cities, there are good arrangements for education. The big college even universities are available.  There are also a very large number of schools both government and private in the big city.  These arrangements do not exist in small towns and villages.

The most important advantages of cities are the availability of huge opportunity for employment. They are centers of trade and commerce as well as offices of many multinational companies. Persons with different qualifications can easily find jobs to suit them.  In villages, employment is available mostly in farming. Due to farming, only seasonal jobs are available to a large population in villages.

In city life it is very costly. People in the city do not have much sympathy with others even with neighbours. The sympathy and close interdependence that is marked in the village’s life is entirely lacking in the city.

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