Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Illustrate any 5 activities/practices that restore positive attitudes towards a society that promotes peace.

Practical activity (B.Ed.) Subject: Peace Education



The process of promoting the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values needed to bring about behavior changes that will enable children, youth, and adults to prevent conflict and violence, to resolve conflict peacefully; and to create the conditions conducive to peace, whether at an intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, national or international level.

Basic learning needs comprise not only essential tools such as literacy and numeracy but also the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values required to live and work in dignity and to participate in development.

We can introduce peace education concepts, skills, and attitudes, both in or out of the school.

A key action in promoting peace is education. Teachers are more than educators; they are mentors, event coordinators, monitoring and evaluation experts, curriculum specialists, conflict negotiators, administrators, and social change-makers. One role of teachers that may be overlooked is that of a peacebuilder.

Peace education is a method to alter beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of people from negative to positive attitudes so that conflict is resolved and violence is prevented. Thus it is used as a basis for the prevention of violence and resolution of conflicts.

The method of peace is collaborative, cooperative, participatory, and active. The structure of the teaching-learning process in peace education includes Think- pair, and share, Pick and Speak, Write a Poem, Write an Essay, Tell a story. In this report you can see how these activities/practices restore positive attitudes towards a society that promotes peace.

Meaning of Peace Education

“peace” is defined not just as the absence of war (negative peace), but also the presence of the conditions for a just and sustainable peace, including access to food and clean drinking water, education for women and children, security from physical harm, and other inviolable human rights (positive peace).

Peace education is the process of acquiring values, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, others, and the natural environment.

Concept of Peace Education

‘Since wars begin in the minds of men it is in the minds of men that the defense of peace must be constructed. ’

Peace education is more effective and meaningful when it is adopted according to the social and cultural context and the needs of a country. It should be enriched by its cultural and spiritual values together with universal human values. It should also be globally relevant. 

Peace education is an attempt to respond to problems of conflict and violence on scales ranging from global and national to local and personal.

Integrating peace values into the school curriculum and various practices that make school a place of peace.

There are six major media of integration into the total curriculum of the school.

They are:

1. Subject context

Here we take Language, Social Studies, Religion, Physical Education, Arts, and Science as the core curricular subjects, which can be used to infuse peace.

2. Subject perspectives

These are how teachers make a subject meaningful. A subject is not learned merely for the subject’s sake.

It has to be interpreted in such a manner so as to contribute to learners’ social, emotional, intellectual, and moral self-development.

Peace education attempts to humanize subjects through bringing in human perspectives into learning.

3. Teaching methods

In education both what is taught and how it is taught are equally important.

A good teacher adopts the child-centered education approach, especially in the primary and secondary levels. Instead of routine lecturing, teacher uses interesting learning activities.

The teacher is not only concerned with imparting knowledge but also concerned with developing socializing skills, moral attitudes, and learning skills of children in parallel.

4. Co-curricular activities

These are activities done outside the classroom to achieve the goals of formal subject learning. Here we include extracurricular activities as well. Extracurricular activities are complementary in the sense that they do not directly relate to subjects or formal curriculum, but help achieve the goals of education.

5. Staff development

To successfully implement an innovation, first of all, the teachers need to develop by raising awareness and training. This can be done through in-service seminars and school-based sessions.

6. Classroom management

Classroom management includes maintenance of discipline, organizing learning, character building, conflict resolution, counseling, etc.

The hidden curriculum is communicated to students primarily through the manner of presentation of the subject and the teacher’s general attitudes exhibited in teaching.

It has been observed that the following types of attitudes about science are suggested to learners:

Science is pure knowledge that has nothing to do with human or social issues. It has little or no relation with other subjects. & Science is the only true knowledge. It is fixed and therefore no one can do anything about it.

Science does not recognize human values or inner knowledge.

So, It is evident that the school science curriculum has to be reconsidered on the following perspectives and make science a friendly subject by integrating Peace into Lessons.

Show that science is concerned with the needs and interests of mankind and human welfare.

Convey the insight that the whole universe is interlinked and interdependent.

Science is not the only true knowledge.

Life in every form is precious. Science respects life.

Science is not above morality. It is responsible for the welfare of mankind.

Abusing science against such laws is wrong.

Scientific knowledge is ever-evolving and everybody interested can participate and contribute to the advancement of science.

Types of Peace

They are inner peace, social peace, and peace with nature.

They could be analyzed further this way:

1. Inner Peace:

For example, harmony and peace with oneself, good health, and absence of inner conflicts, joy, sense of freedom, in-sight, spiritual peace, feelings of kindness, compassion, and content, appreciation of art.

2. Social Peace:

For example, peace between man and man, (men and women. as well!) harmony arising from human relationships at all levels, conflict reconciliation, and resolution, love, friendship, unity, mutual understanding, acceptance, cooperation, brotherhood, tolerance of differences, democracy, community-building, human rights, morality.

3. Peace with Nature:

For example, harmony with the natural environment and mother earth.

Purpose of Peace Education

Peace education aims to help students acquire skills for nonviolent conflict resolution and to reinforce these skills for active and responsible action in society for the promotion of the values of peace.

Objectives of Peace Education

To understand the causes of armed conflict;

To develop ways to prevent and resolve war, genocide, terrorism, gross violations of human rights; and

To build peaceful and just systems and societies.

Importance of Peace Education

It helps in promoting healthy relationships and peaceful school culture;

It helps in addressing structural and cultural violence within schools;

It helps in taking account of the way education is delivered in the classroom;

It helps in connecting peace education approaches focused on the individual as well as wider socio-political outcomes;

It helps in connecting peace education within schools to wider community practices and non-formal sectors, such as non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations;

It helps in having education policies and legislation that support peace education to achieve full integration into formal school settings.

Basic elements of peace education

Peace Dimension: Knowledge

Peace elements under the Knowledge dimension are:

Peace, Justice, Human rights, Civic participation, Emotional literacy, Problem-solving

(including conflict prevention, conflict management, and conflict resolution), as well as

Understanding (including international and intercultural understanding) etc.

Peace Dimension: Values and Attitudes

Peace elements under Values and Attitudes dimension are:

Tolerance, Caring, Social equity, Peace, Justice, Cooperation, and Solidarity, Human

rights, Active citizenship, Gender equity, Self-awareness, empathy, Conflict resolution using peaceful means, Promotion of a sustainable environment, Freedom of religious practices, Compassion, Respect for human life, etc.

Peace Dimension: Skills

Peace elements under the Skills dimension are:

Active listening, Understanding similarities, and differences, Cooperation, Mediation,

Problem-solving, Trust, Critical thinking, Self-reflection, Self-esteem, etc.

Benefits of Peace Education

Peace studies education prepares students for a wide variety of careers. Graduates become researchers, educators, negotiators, mediators, government officials, businesspeople, activists, and professionals in organizations focused on human rights, dispute resolution, environmental protection, international law, and human and economic development.

Peace education prevents the emergence of conflicts and creates conditions for peace in the world. That is why peace education is very important in the world. Peace education activities promote conflict resolution that promotes peace and values such as respect for human rights, freedom, and confidence.

Challenges to Peace

1. Stress

2. Conflict

3. Crime

4. Terrorism

5. Violence

6. Wars

Challenges to Peace such as Stress, Conflict, Crime, Terrorism, Violence, Wars result in poor quality of life.

Students should be taught that conflicts cannot cease to exist, as they are intrinsic to human beings, so they should handle them by an integral part of their moral values and emotional skill. The teacher should make sure, harmony and appreciation should coexist in a classroom environment, and conflict should not interfere, negatively, in the teaching and learning process.

Activities/practices that restore positive attitudes towards a society that promotes peace.

1. Through this activity ‘Think, pair and share’, peace elements such as co-operation and international understanding, can be introduced and we can involve students in experiential learning, and develop creativity in them and allow them to acquire critical thinking skills.

Thus, restore positive attitudes towards society and promote peace.

2. Through this activity ‘Pick and Speak’, peace elements such as Self-awareness, self-reflection, communication skills can be practiced which restore positive attitudes towards society and promote peace.

3. Through this activity ‘poetry writing’, peace elements such as conflict resolution skills can be taught and create a democratic space means to teach democracy which is a crucial component to the move toward a sustainably prosperous society, which restores positive attitudes towards society and promotes peace.

4. Through this activity ‘Write an Essay’, peace elements such as problem-solving skills and decision-making skills, can be learned through discovery learning, students learn to be tolerant towards diversity, also learn how people can coexist and live together and give importance to gender equality which helps abolish poverty that will create more equal economies, fairer societies, and happier men, women, and children, which restore positive attitudes towards society and promote peace.

5. Through this activity ‘Save a tree and save the earth’, peace elements such as students learn to promote a sustainable environment, conserve the environment for future generations, and respect the environment, making rational use of natural resources and taking steps to prevent pollution from the different processes involved in our industrial operations, hence promote the sustainable use of raw materials and natural resources, which restore positive attitudes towards society and promote peace.

A positive attitude is a state of mind that allows you to envision and expect good things. It does not mean living in denial of the negative situations around you. This attitude allows you to stay optimistic. The benefits of a positive attitude include anticipating happiness, health, success, and opportunities. In turn, keeping top of mind the positive outcomes that you may want for yourself.

Our positive attitude towards anything starts with positive thinking. We can think of positive thinking as a mental attitude. It helps us to look forward to good and favorable results.

Positive attitude restored during these activities are:

Happiness: Happiness is a state of mind; it comes from within and is not dependent on external factors. A positive attitude is known to be linked with the feeling of happiness.

Self-confidence: When you develop a positive attitude, you will start feeling better about yourself. You will treat yourself with more respect and love, and this in turn will boost your confidence levels and inner strength. You will take on new challenges and come out of your self-limiting beliefs.

An active, curious mind will be developed.

Develop Better relationships and social life.

Stronger immune system: People with a positive attitude are lively, energetic, and healthy. Positive thinking renders a positive effect on health as well; it lowers stress and improves your overall wellbeing.

More focused: With positive thinking, you achieve emotional balance, which helps the brain to execute functions properly. You learn to stay focused and as a result, you can come up with the right decisions in challenging situations.

Training your mind to develop a positive attitude: Repeating positive affirmations is a great way to train your mind to think positively.

Peace related activities and practices are illustrated below:

About the activity: Think, pair, and share

Topic Name:

Helping not hurting

Key terms of peace:

Co-operation and International Understanding, Use experiential learning, promote creativity and critical thinking.

About the activity:

Helping Others Without Hurting Yourself:

Using the activity Think, pair, and share teacher can make students think about this topic and then make students sitting next to each other to pair with each other and tell to discuss among them the given topic. Then tell them to share it with the whole class.

The teacher will ask the following questions and tell them to repeat the above think, pair, share process.

1. What type of help you have done recently and to whom?

2. What type of help is useful and was that help done for the needy at right time?

3. Did you do the help without any expectation from others?

Then there is discussion as discussed below regarding the topic:

1. Help within your means.

Helping others is a nice gesture, but if you are helping others at the expense of yourself, then you are doing yourself a disservice.

Giving more than you can isn’t selfless.

Think about it.

When you give more than you can and you are burnout, who will be the one taking care of you?

Yourself or other people such as your family?

Helping others is one of the top ways to increase your happiness and self-love.

When you spread love, you are the source of love and that feels good.

However, sometimes it’s better to stop helping others and not give too much of yourself.

Especially, when helping others is hurting you or when we are addicted to helping.

You should know when to stop helping others and when to help yourself before helping others.

You should know when to Stop Helping Others and How to Help Without Hurting Yourself.

2. Help at the right time and context.

Helping people at the wrong time and in the wrong context is worse than not helping them at all. You may have good intentions and have good advice for the other person.

But is the person in the right state to receive your help?

For example, positive thinking is beneficial to most. But when someone is in the grip of their emotions and feeling depressed, positive thinking doesn’t serve them much.

They might feel misunderstood by you.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

People who are ready to accept spirituality in their life would find it meaningful.

There’s no point in forcing people who aren’t ready, to listen to his teaching.

They won’t get it.

Your advice might be useful to others.

It might even be the truth.

But if they aren’t in the right frame to receive it, why bother?

They might get angry with you for giving them such advice.

Instead, trust the timing of the universe. Some have to learn the lessons through their own experience. So when you are above giving advice and help others, ask yourself, “Is the other person ready to listen to what I’m going to share?”

There are many ways to help others.

They are many forms of helping others.

Some people feel that how could they help others when they don’t even have enough.

Helping others isn’t just about giving money to the poor, giving advice to other people, or find time to do volunteer work.

Helping others could be a simple act of kindness.

For example, opening a door for someone when their hands are full.

Or like helping others pick something up when they have dropped it.

How about this?

Next time, when you walked past a beggar or someone unfortunate asking for money, if you are not donating any money, why not just send some positive energy or prayer to that person and hope they would do well?

Or when your friend is in trouble and you can’t help them, why not just be empathetic and listen to them?

Never judge how others help.

No matter how insignificant or small it is, it is a good intention that counts.

And everyone has their way of helping others, don’t impose your way as the only, right way. It’s also easier when you do something that you find inherently enjoyable.

Rather than volunteer for something you don’t like, do something which you enjoy doing and help others at the same time. It’s a win-win.

3. Leave your expectations at the door.

Finally, do realize that sometimes when you help others, your act of kindness might not be appreciated.

You might not even get a “thank you” from others.

When that happens, don’t fuss about it.

Your expectation might be that the receiver should at least be grateful for your help.

But why should they? You chose to help them. They might not even have asked you for help.

So why are you expecting gratitude from them?

It goes back to the self-image issue again.

Our ego wants us to think that we deserve to be thanked for the things we have done.

If our self-image isn’t involved, then regardless of whether we receive a thank you from others or not, would it even matter?

Be like the sun.

People don’t thank the sun for providing warmth, but it does it anyway. When people aren’t appreciative of your help, help anyway.

Outcomes of this activity:

Students will become good decision-makers, through this group activity to learn collaboration and cooperative learning.

Educational implications:

Listening to understand: giving everyone a chance to learn and share through the free flow of information

Activity 2:

Activity Name: Pick and Speak

Topic Name:

Swami Vivekananda

Key terms of peace:

Self-awareness, self-reflection, communication skill

About the activity:

Students speak about the great personality, Vivekananda.

An example of the talk given by a student on Vivekananda is as follows:

Vivekananda was a great teacher and also a great educationalist. For him, the aim of education is knowledge, not facts but values.

For ages of human evolution human being constantly strived to attain the highest state of attainment of peace, prosperity, happiness, and feeling of fullness. He presented the true India to the whole world.

The concept of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutambakam’, the world is one family is the only beacon light of survival, growth, and real progress for human society.

Swamy Vivekananda realized three things are necessary to make every man great, every nation great, they are:

1. Thoughts on the powers of goodness.

2. Absence of jealousy and suspension.

3. Helping all who are trying to be and do well.

The outcome of this activity:


He said, “There is only one method to attain knowledge, which is called concentration.” The very essence of education is Concentration and that practice of meditation leads to mental concentration. He said that Real Education prepares the individual to face life’s struggles with courage and develops devotion towards fellow human beings and the nation.

He believed that Education is not just gathering information or knowledge but is the “manifestation of perfection that already existed in man.” He said, if education were identical to information, the libraries would be the greatest sages in the world and encyclopedias the Rishis.

Educational Implications:

Students should be taught that a sound mind resides in a sound body.

Students should be made to develop all-round personalities through educating mentally and spiritually.

The mind of the students has to be controlled and trained through meditation, concentration, and practice of ethical purity.

Activity 3:

Activity Name: Write a Poem

Topic Name:


Key terms of peace:

Teach conflict resolution skills, Create a democratic space.

About the activity:

Example of a poem written by a student:

Praying for freedom, brotherhood,

and peace for all mankind from the bottom of the heart,

Learning to live together as brothers,

The beauty of genuine brotherhood

and peace is more precious

than diamonds or silver or gold.

To sing a song which tells that

democracy will not come today,

through compromise and fear.

All people come together,

putting an end to all disputes

Enjoy equal and fair opportunities,

By enriching yourself.

Strong institutions make strong nations

and good laws make good citizens.

The outcome of this activity:

Students understand the concepts of peace and learn to write poems in the form of prayer.

In this activity, students will attempt to write a poem that triggers students’ emotions, strengthens students’ brains, and gives us space for self-reflection. It turns out that students’ brains process poetry and music similarly.

Students people living in conflict and stress use poetry to express their hopes for a more peaceful future.

Educational Implications:

Students will learn to use new words and finding new ways to articulate their thoughts and feelings (communication).

By writing poem,

It encourages creative writing.

It helps students appreciate sounds words and patterns.

It develops phonic skills.

It makes students express feelings and opinions.

It provides a great opportunity to play with language.

Students also learn some vocabulary regarding democracy, peace, brotherhood, which also indicates that students know the meaning and consequences of violence and conflicts (dispute).

Activity 4:

Activity Name: Write an Essay

Topic Name:

Sound business environment

Key terms of peace:

Problem-solving and decision making, tolerance of diversity, coexistence, and gender equality.

About the activity:

The teacher gives students to write an essay on the sound business environment.

Students search online and books to collect suitable resources and analyze the conflicts that occur at the workplace.

They will study that workplace conflict occurs when people spend long hours at their workplace, due to which conflict may be raised due to personal factors. Which causes stress. Stress, in turn, causes heart pain, sleep problems, weight problems.

They will also learn that causes of conflict are due to poor communication, differing interests, poor performance.

A Sound Business Environment represents one of the principal ways that members of society routinely solve conflicts without violence.

One of the examples of essay on this sound business environment written by students is as follows:

A sound business environment is crucial to providing both individuals and communities with a means to peacefully, equitably, and efficiently share a country’s resources.

Clients and customers can often get a significant feeling or vibe from any company they interact with. If it’s a good and encouraging one, that can jump-start a very positive business-client relationship to last into the future.

An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) is very much essential for business policy formulation. Hence environmental analysis is important in studying business models.

A company environment needs to be a good place for employees, so they can provide a good experience for the clients and customers they help and your business serves. It’s the best way to not only draw in more business but to send out a message that yours is a company that has its priorities straight. People come first. Satisfaction for employees makes more satisfaction for clients and customers.

Any tactic or activity a business conducts to reach its objectives. Ultimately, a business's objective is to make money. Business practices are the ways it attempts to do so in the most cost-effective way. A company may have rules for business practices to ensure that its employees are efficient in their work and abide by applicable laws.

Business ethics are moral guidelines for the conduct of business based on notions of what is right, wrong, and fair. Most business people rely upon their consciences in making business decisions, falling back upon their own moral and religious backgrounds for guidance. However, business people are also affected by their superiors and immediate colleagues when making business decisions and may feel pressured to behave unethically when seeking to make profits. Over recent years many firms and industries have attempted to develop codes of conduct that can be used to guide managers when making decisions.

Social Environment consists of the customs and traditions of the society in which business is existing. It includes the standard of living, taste, preferences, and education level of the people living in the society where the business exists.

The businessman cannot overlook the components of the social environment as these components may not have an immediate impact on the business but in the long run, the social environment has a great impact on the business.

The political environment constitutes all the factors related to government affairs such as the type of government in power, the attitude of the government towards different groups of societies, policy changes implemented by different governments, etc. The political environment has an immediate and great impact on business transactions so businessmen must scan this environment very carefully.

Economic Environment consists of Gross Domestic Product, Income level at national level and per capita level, Profit earning rate, Productivity and Employment rate, Industrial, the monetary and fiscal policy of the government, etc.

The economic environment factors have an immediate and direct impact on the businessman so businessmen must scan the economic environment and take timely actions to deal with these environments.

The legal environment constitutes the laws and various legislations passed in the parliament. The businessman cannot overlook the legislation because he has to perform his business transactions within the framework of the legal environment. The common legislation passed which has affected the business transactions are Trade Mark Act, etc.

Technological environment refers to changes taking place in the method of production, use of new equipment and machinery to improve, the quality of the product. The businessman must closely monitor the technological changes taking place in his industry because he will have to implement these changes to remain in the competitive market.

These days, most business owners understand the importance of integrity in business. After all, words like “authenticity,” “trustworthiness” and “transparency” are prominent on company websites and throughout marketing materials.

On a personal level, people of integrity have a strong moral compass. They keep their word, take full responsibility for their actions and hold fast to their moral codes, even if it sometimes means winding up in uncomfortable situations or having to make tough decisions.

Strict adherence to a moral code, reflected in transparent honesty and complete harmony in what one thinks, says, and does.

Sound practices are not only beneficial for the effective functioning of a market economy and the welfare of the population. They are also in the long-term interests of an enterprise devoted to the profits of its shareholders.

Sound practices may be expressed in terms of those practices that implement long-term profit maximization for the benefit of shareholders by maintaining and developing good and honest relationships with customers, suppliers, workers, those who supply finance, neighbors, local and central government, and anyone else who interacts with the enterprise.

Indeed, it could be argued that the only effective method of long-term profit maximization is the implementation of these practices and that a stable and predictable business environment encourages and rewards this long-term perspective.

Recent years have shown great interest in codes of sound business practices, often specified in terms of checklists that should be followed. While the precise form of codes may be the subject of argument, the broad principles of maintaining and developing good and honest relationships with those interacting with enterprises are broadly accepted.

It should not be assumed that such principles are widely and immediately understood in transition economies. It certainly has taken many decades for them to be established in more advanced market economies. However, these practices must become established quickly in transition economies.

It is a major task of governments, leading domestic firms, foreign investors, and domestic, foreign, and international financial institutions to take a lead in establishing these practices.

Diversity can thrive only in the presence of tolerance. And with tolerance, diversity is a natural outcome. When we accept cultures, traditions, and religions different from ours, without any discrimination, we make space for the sustenance of diversity, and this process of acceptance makes us tolerant.

Thus, Ethical business practices are at the very foundation and pillar of this Sound Business Environment.

Outcomes of this activity:

Educational implications:

What students learn from this essay is that.

1. A sound business environment is crucial to peace.

2. Students will learn Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship.

3. Teacher teaches students the 12 Ethical Principles for Business Executives:

Honesty, Integrity, Promise-Keeping & Trustworthiness, Loyalty, Fairness, Concern for Others, Respect for Others, Law Abiding, Commitment to Excellence, Leadership, Reputation & Morale, Accountability.

4. Students are taught some ways to practice tolerance and respect diversity, co-existence, and gender discrimination, by showing respect and kindness to others, use kind words, show sensitivity to the language when they make a choice, learn to avoid stereotypes, and respect individuality, be careful about potentially hurtful jokes at the workplace, be inclusive - celebrate diversity, focus on commonalities rather than differences, stand up for others if they are being treated unfairly or unkindly.

Activity 5:

Activity Name: Tell a story

Topic Name:

Save trees and save the earth

Key terms of peace:

Promotion of sustainable environment, conserve the environment for future generations, environmental responsibility.

About the activity:

The teacher tells the following story to the students:

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest. There lived two trees, named Chintu and Pintu, who were brothers. Chintu and Pintu had many friends like the rabbit and his brothers, the group of monkeys, the family of birds, the Bunky bear, and the wise old wolf.

One day, all the friends were chatting. Suddenly Pintu saw a Woodcutter coming toward the forest. Pintu said “Hey look a Woodcutter is coming towards the forest! Run! Run!” Chintu said to the animals. But no one ran. They said “You give us food, shelter, you give us fresh air to breathe. How can we leave you in danger and go?” Chintu and Pintu thanked them.” OK you all hide behind us,” said the two brother trees. So the monkeys and the birds hid inside the leaves of the tree and the other animals hid behind the tree.

The woodcutter was very confused because there were many trees to cut. Suddenly he saw Chintu and Pintu, the huge trees. He said, “Be ready to be cut your trees.” The wise old wolf had already told his plan to animals. When the woodcutter came near the trees, the group of monkeys jumped on him and started imitating him, then the family of birds started pecking him, then the rabbit and his brothers started jumping around him and the Bunkey bear started roaring.

When all animals were busy at their work, the wise old wolf ran to the lion king. The wise old wolf told the king what he had to do. So they ran to where all the animals were. The king roared and the woodcutter ran for his life. Chintu and Pintu said, “thank you”.

Later the woodcutter thought “I never thought that trees give animals so many things like food, shelter, etc…” and decided not to cut trees.

Friends this is a message to not cut but plant more trees because there is less forest on our land and it is becoming less and less only. So please save the forest.

Trees are the backbone of all ecosystems on which mankind and other living and non-living being rely. Trees help in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth by emission of Oxygen, absorption of Carbon dioxide.

Moral of the Story: Save Tree, Save Forest, Think for Nature.

Outcomes of this activity:

Students will plant trees and bushes in their garden, near their house, or school grounds.

Educational implication:

Save Tree, Save Forest, Think for Nature, 

Benefits Students by:

Writing essay improves academic achievement.

Teaches how to break the indoor habit by learning how to involve in planting trees near their house.

Improving Student Health: students are outdoors and active, and helps to address common health issues in children today, such as obesity, attention deficit disorder, and depression.

Meeting 21st Century Needs: skills essential for succeeding in tomorrow’s world, such as questioning, investigating, defining problems, analyzing, interpreting, reasoning, developing conclusions, and solving problems.

Cultivating Leadership Qualities: Cooperative learning with others, critical thinking and discussion, and a focus on action strategies with real-world applications.

Improving focus and cognition: Ability of students to focus and improves their cognitive abilities. Children with the attention-deficit disorder also benefit from more exposure to nature–the greener a child’s everyday environment, the more manageable are their symptoms.

Through this activity students will learn:

We can teach students what are the important benefits of trees:

    1. It helps the environment to provide an enormous amount of oxygen and reduce the toxic carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and pollutants by absorbing.

    2. Helps in improving water quality.

    3. Prevent Soil Erosion.

    4. Helps in Saving Energy.

    5. Prevent from increasing temperature.

    6. Provide food, shelter & medicines.

How we contribute to this cause to save trees can be taught to students:

    1. Recycling and reuse the papers.

    2. Always buy a piece of paper which can be recycled.

    3. Reuse paper bags or compost receipts.

    4. Reuse envelopes.

    5. Use scrap paper for all your rough work instead of the new paper.

    6. Don’t print a picture or document unless it is necessary.

    7. Always print on both the side of the paper.

    8. Stop cutting down trees

    9. Plant trees

    10. Spread awareness amongst others to save trees.


I believe peace education can transform the minds of people from conflict to peace through dialogue and non-violence means. Also, peace education can transform the beliefs of the general public, especially youth about peace across generations. Peace education is the attainment of knowledge, acquisition of values, and developing skills, attitudes, and behaviors about living in harmony and peace with others and with others in society. It is also an ability to co-existence with all living creatures in the ultimate natural environment. Peace is essential for the world to progress.

According to this report, peace education activities given to students will bring a positive change in the behaviors and attitudes of the communities.

Teachers understand the importance of peace education and take part in the peace education process as trainers and educators.

Peace education promotes a conflict-free environment in society.

The peace education activities have ensured peace and tranquillity in restoring the confidence of students, parents, and the community at large.

A sense of justice, democracy, care, and feelings of togetherness has developed among the students.

The report shows that schools miniature communities are generally peaceful, by nature. It shows that the students have a positive attitude toward the promotion of the goals of peace and development.

The parents confidently send their children to schools. Students have come out of the psychological stress and strain. It is been a child-centered learning environment when children learn with joy.

The above discussion made in this report concludes that peace education activities/practices restore positive attitudes towards a society that promotes peace.

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