Monday, 10 January 2022

Textbook Analysis - Sample for pre-service teachers (Science NCERT Textbook)


Textbooks are widely accepted as a common feature of classrooms worldwide and are important vehicles for the promotion of curricula. Consequently, their content and structure are very important for the promotion of a specific vision of curriculum. There are many features of textbooks, some of which go unknown to the authors, which have a significant impact on their target audience. Such features can have positive or negative impacts on learning. The textbook analysis is a means by which these features can be identified and hence the effectiveness of textbooks be established.
Meaning of textbook
A textbook is a prescribed book for the student of a particular age group. The textbook is called the teacher in print.

“It is a standard book for any particular branch of study”

Bacon: “A book designed for classroom use, carefully prepared by experts in the field and equipped with the usual teaching devices”

L.J Lewis: “A textbook is a tool both for the pupil and the teacher”
Concept of Textbook

They determine not only the subject matter to be taught but also the methods of teaching. 
Textbooks are good learning instruments for the students as they can revise their lessons whenever they want to do so. Textbooks are the chief vehicle for attaining the goals of the curriculum. Textbooks fill the needs of the students. Textbooks should promote moral values.
Textbooks give concrete form to the curriculum. Scope of any topic can be better know with the help of textbooks. They help the teacher in the right planning of the yearly work. Textbooks should be based on the characteristics of children. 
Textbooks present content material in compact form. To suggest activities. To keep the teachers and students on right track. To develop the thinking and critical powers of the teaching. The basis for classroom teaching. A cure for bad and effective teaching. It acts as a teaching aid for the teachers.

Concept of Review of Textbook

A book review in simple words is a critical evaluation of a book.
It is a creative exercise.
No rigid rules for writing a book review.
But there is a standard format.

The reviewer is a mere tester who says that book reviews help potential readers become familiar with what a book is about, give them an idea of how they themselves might react to it, and determine whether this particular book will be the right book for them right now.
Benefits of Reviewing the Textbook

Your reading, writing, and thinking skills will improve.
By critiquing others, you can look for strengths and weaknesses in your own work.
You will discover authors and styles you didn’t know previously.
Review of 9th std science textbook
Title of the Book:

Science 9th std. Textbook

Secondary Stage

Physical Features:
External Appearance:

The appearance of the textbook is good with appropriate images on the front, but I felt along with images, title, std, some quotes like “Competition on anything is good because it makes everybody better.” related to science, should have been mentioned, which will make students feel proud.


If it was hardbound then the textbook would have been strong and durable, but here the hardness of the cover needs to be improved along with that plastic cover should be used which makes the book durable.
Thickness, length, and breadth:

Thickness, length, and breadth are appropriate, it is neither too big nor small. 
Size of the book used:

The book size is medium-sized, but I felt 5.5×8.5 would be a suitable size to carry it, hold it in hand, and read.
Holding and Handling: 

Altering the size will make it easier to hold and handle.
Quality of paper used:

The quality of paper used is cost-effective. Most printing paper has a gsm between 60 and 120. 80 gsm is standard. Anything from 160 gsm is considered a card. Therefore this textbook is made up of 80 gsm which is said to be of good quality.
Layout of text: 

Instead of 2 columns on a page, only one column printing can be adopted.
Year and place of publication: 

NCERT, New Delhi, February 2006, Reprinted in December 2018.
Name of the Publisher / Organization: 

Rass technoprint / Digital Expressions

The authenticity of the textbook is done by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

Karnataka Text Book Society (R). (KTBS) is currently hosting this science textbook online.
Private / Government:

The government of Karnataka is responsible for distributing science 9th std book to students under the free textbook scheme, every student is eligible to get NCERT 9th std textbook from their government school having Karnataka State Board of School Education (KSEEB) as its board and published by Karnataka State Textbook Society (KTBS).
Team / Individual Author:

This textbook has been developed by a group/team of members called the textbook development committee.
Circulation – state/national/international:

This textbook is circulated throughout State and Nation, But not circulated outside the nation (India).
Cost of the book - Priced / Unpriced:

The price of the book is between 100 to 250 Rs (i.e.150 Rs). This textbook has a reasonable price so everyone can buy this textbook. This book is also distributed for free by the government of Karnataka for students, under a free textbook scheme.
Foundation of text:
Policy or framework on which text is written:

The NCERT 9th Class Science Textbook, based on the National Curriculum based on the 2005 National Curriculum, has been effectively translated into Kannada. This textbook has been released in a total of 7 mediums. This NCF-2005 has all the features of the curriculum.
Major Themes:

Major headings: Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science.
Subheadings: Energy, Water, Laws of Motion, Sound, etc.
Themes: Materials, The World of the Living, How Things Work, Natural Phenomena and Natural Resources.
Objectives of Textbook:

The 2005 National Curriculum has the following features.
• Connecting knowledge to life activities.
• Learning to shift from rote methods.
• Enriching the curriculum beyond textbooks.
• Using learning experiences for the construction of knowledge.
• Carying concerns within the democratic policy of the country.
• To make education aligned to present and future needs.
• Implementing comprehensive vision teaching beyond the subjects.
• Knowledge integration for life outside the school.
• The child as the constructor of knowledge.

Most of the content is spiral in nature, some are logical and some are topical in nature.

The Integrated and constructivism approach is used throughout the textbook. All the content is built keeping the objectives in mind. This content is related to real-life situations. Also, some topics are in integrated manner, that is all the content is interrelated to each other and other subjects.

Science is essential to success at all levels in everyday life. As with the National Curriculum -2005, science must be able to understand some concepts and gain theories and supplement science in all areas of life.
The contributions of the greatest scientists of ancient India have been made in appropriate circumstances.
Like other textbooks, these textbooks help students develop competencies and skills.
The main hope of the Department of Public Education is that this textbook will also help the students of Karnataka to achieve their achievement at the national level, academically and competitively by focusing on national educational development.
Syllabus for which text is designed:

9th std - Karnataka State syllabus.

The syllabi and textbooks developed on the basis of NCF signify an attempt to implement the basic idea to discourage rote learning and the maintenance of sharp boundaries between different subject areas. These measures will take us significantly further in the direction of a child-centered system of education outlined in the National Policy on Education (1986).
Other Features:

A preamble is an introductory statement in a document that explains the document’s philosophy and objectives. In a Constitution, it presents the intention of its framers, the history behind its creation, and the core values and principles of the nation.

Every NCERT textbook contains The Preamble to the Constitution of India.

Children are the future builders of a Nation. Therefore, it's necessary to make them understand what the great people in our history dreamt about their Nation, which could lead the children to a path of righteousness and strive towards the development of the country.

”This Preamble

(i) Provides a standard to examine and evaluates any law and action of the government to find out whether it is good or bad,

(ii) Shows the way the government ought to run,

(iii) Seeks to give the citizens all types of freedoms-freedom of thought and expression, freedom of belief and worship, etc., and

(iv) Seeks to provide equality of status and opportunity to all individuals thus promoting a sense of brotherhood among all citizens.

The National Council of Educational Research and Training is grateful to the members of
the Textbook Development Team, whose names are given separately for their contribution
in the development of the Science textbook for Class IX. The Council also gratefully
acknowledges the contribution of the participating members of the Review Workshop in
the finalization of the book and others.
Declaration of Authors:

Contains the declaration of author page.

Foreward (Regarding policy and Framework)

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005, recommends that children’s
life at school must be linked to their life outside the school.

The textbook attempts to enhance this endeavor by giving higher priority and space
to opportunities for contemplation and wondering, discussion in small groups, and
activities requiring hands-on experience.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) appreciates
the hard work done by the textbook development committee responsible for this book.
Cover Page: 

2 cover page is used. 

Colored, Attractive
Quality of paper: 

Quality of binding: 

Font size used and its appropriateness: 

Content List:

This index list needs to be arranged in order and should have subheadings as whether it is Physics, Chemistry, or Environmental Science. I felt if Roman letter for main heading and numbers for subheading is used, then it will be easier to differentiate between subtopic and main topic.
It would have been nice if page numbers for all the subtopics are mentioned.

The index should contain a table format with 3 columns (, Content title, Page no) and a border.
The sequencing of lessons / units - logical, psychological

The sequence of the lessons and units in the textbook should be from simple to complex, known to unknown.
There should be plenty of illustrations and examples.
There should be some reflection about the contents at end of the lesson.
Every lesson should begin with an introduction.
There should be a link between the consecutive points and flow should be maintained while describing a concept.
Activity-based on logic and reasoning should be present. If something happens then what should be done? These types of questions should be present based on creating hypotheses and real-life scenarios.
So they should have a psychological effect on students knowledge building through assimilation and accommodation.
Total No. of pages: 

216 pages
Total Lessons: 

15 Lessons
Analysis and Synthesis:
Classification of units based on major ideas:

There is a classification of units and lessons based on major ideas that are appropriate.
Presentation of matter:

The presentation of matter is clear and simple. This can be comprehended by the students of adolescent age.
Language Flow and Difficulty Level:

Language flow is easy to understand by students and they are simple to comprehend. Also, The standard of language is very good. Easy for doing self-study.

Here children are engaged in joyfully exploring the world around them and harmonizing with it. They arouse curiosity by exploring the natural environment and doing activities. And also learn science through familiar experiences. By working with simple technological models. Later chapters here scientific concepts are to be arrived at mainly from activities and experiments. By working with advanced technological models. Here they learn science as separate disciplines, with emphasis on experiments/technology and problem-solving.
Sense of proportion:
Subdivision of content into major and minor ideas:

Subdivision of content into major and minor ideas is done properly and, where hierarchy is maintained.
Additional information:

Additional information is given to practice problems.
Ascepts for further thinking:

There is scope and encouragement for learning by thinking. Such as think and act are given here and there which need to be strictly given in all chapters.
Instructions / Diagrams Episodes / Annectodes (Positive and negative):

Instructions are appropriate, Diagrams Episodes and annectodes can be rarely seen.
Labelling / numbering tables / graphs / diagrams completeness:

Figures are numbered but in the index (beginning of the page) pictures list and tables, the list is not provided with page numbers.

All diagrams should be labeled properly. Diagram should be big and labelling font should be bold and big enough.
Exercises – Drill / grade comprehensiveness / considering diversification and challenging:

Exercises – Drill / grade comprehensiveness / considering diversification and challenging are provided at the end of each unit.

Exercises problems should be simple, relevant and interesting. Complex and challenging problems and simple problems similar to examples should be provided under different subheadings.
Allowance of projects in permissible limit:

The Activities and Experiments provided should be highlighted with icons to know which is safe and can be conducted at home. And mention the safety measures and steps to conduct the activity.
The danger icon and the difficult icon should be shown which needs to be carried in the laboratory only with teachers’ supervision.
Model Testing Tool:

Model question paper is not provided at end of each chapter. If present then it would be helpful.
Key for each exercises:

Exercises for practice and drill work is been provided at the end of each unit, and an answer key for the same is given at the end.
Glossory of terms used:

Difficult, rarely used terms, technical terms, science vocabulary should be defined at end of each unit or a glossary can be mentioned at end of the textbook in alphabetical order.
Subject and Author Index:

Subject and author details should be provided.
Bibliography and Reference:

Bibliography and Reference should be provided at end of each unit or at the end of each textbook.
Review of 10th std science textbook
Title of the Book:

Science 10th std. Textbook

Secondary Stage


Physical Features:
External Appreance:

The appearance of the textbook is good with appropriate images on the front, but I felt along with images, title, std, some quotes like “Competition on anything is good because it makes everybody better.” related to science, should have been mentioned, which will make students feel proud.

If it was hardbound then the textbook would have been strong and durable, but here the hardness of the cover needs to be improved along with that plastic cover should be used which makes the book durable.
Thickness, length, and breadth:

Thickness, length, and breadth are appropriate, it is neither too big nor small. 
Size of the book used:

The book size is medium-sized, but I felt 5.5×8.5 would be a suitable size to carry it, hold it in hand, and read.
Holding and Handling: 

Altering the size will make it easier to hold and handle.
Quality of paper used:

The quality of paper used is cost-effective. Most printing paper has a gsm between 60 and 120. 80 gsm is standard. Anything from 160 gsm is considered a card. Therefore this textbook made up of 80 gsm which is said to be of good quality.
Layout of text: 

One column wide printing of text is adopted.
Year and place of publication: 

NCERT, New Delhi, February 2006, Reprinted in December 2018.
Name of the Publisher / Organization: 

Rass technoprint / Digital Expressions

The authenticity of the textbook is done by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

Karnataka Text Book Society (R). (KTBS) is currently hosting this science textbook online.
Private / Government:

The government of Karnataka is responsible for distributing science 10th std book to students under the free textbook scheme, every student is eligible to get NCERT 10th std textbook from their government school having Karnataka State Board of School Education (KSEEB) as its board and published by Karnataka State Textbook Society (KTBS).
Team / Individual Author:

This textbook has been developed by a group/team of members called the textbook development committee.
Circulation – state/national/international:

This textbook is circulated throughout State and Nation, But not circulated outside the nation (India).
Cost of the book - Priced / Unpriced:

The price of the book is between 100 to 250 Rs (i.e.190 Rs). This textbook has a reasonable price so everyone can buy this textbook. This book is also distributed for free by the government of Karnataka for students, under a free textbook scheme.
Quality of paper used:

The quality of paper used is cost-effective. Most printing paper has a gsm between 60 and 120. 80 gsm is standard. Anything from 160 gsm is considered a card. Therefore this textbook made up of 80 gsm which is said to be of good quality.

Year and place of publication: 

NCERT, New Delhi, 2006, Reprinted in January 2019.
Name of the Publisher / Organization: 

Publication division by secretary, National council of education research and training, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.
Printed at / Layout and illustrations: 

Pushpak press private limited (New Delhi) / Digital Expressions

The authenticity of the textbook is done by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).

Karnataka Text Book Society (R). (KTBS) is currently hosting this science textbook online.
Private / Government:

The government of Karnataka is responsible for distributing science 10th std book to students under the free textbook scheme, every student is eligible to get NCERT 10th std textbook from their government school having Karnataka State Board of School Education (KSEEB) as its board and published by Karnataka State Textbook Society (KTBS).
Foundation of text:
Policy or framework on which text is written:

The NCERT 10th Class Science Textbook, based on the National Curriculum based on the 2005 National Curriculum, has been effectively translated into Kannada. This textbook has been released in a total of 7 mediums. This NCF-2005 has all the features of the curriculum.
Major Themes:

Major headings: Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science.
Subheadings: Energy, Water, Laws of Motion, etc..
Themes: Materials, The World of the Living, How Things Work, Natural Phenomena and Natural Resources.
Objectives of Textbook:

The 2005 National Curriculum has the following features.
• Connecting knowledge to life activities.
• Learning to shift from rote methods.
• Enriching the curriculum beyond textbooks.
• Using learning experiences for the construction of knowledge.
• Carying concerns within the democratic policy of the country.
• To make education aligned to present and future needs.
• Implementing comprehensive vision teaching beyond the subjects.
• Knowledge integration for life outside the school.
• The child as the constructor of knowledge.

Syllabus for which text is designed:

10th std - Karnataka State syllabus.

Syllabus designers have tried to address the problem of the curricular burden by restructuring and reorienting knowledge at different stages with greater consideration for child psychology and the time available for teaching.

Other Features:

Here, The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), besides
expressing its gratefulness towards the members of the Textbook Development
Committee for their contribution in the development of the Science Textbook for
Class X, also acknowledges the contribution of some members for reviewing,
editing, refining, and finalization of the manuscript of the book.
The Council also acknowledges the valuable contribution of some members for the review of this textbook. The efforts of the Publication Department, NCERT are also highly

Most of the content is spiral in nature, some are logical and some are topical in nature.
The Integrated and constructivist approach is used throughout the textbook. All the content is built keeping the objectives in mind. This content is related to real-life situations. Also, some topics are in integrated manner, that is all the content is interrelated to each other and other subjects.

Science is essential to success at all levels in everyday life. As with the National Curriculum -2005, science must be able to understand some concepts and gain theories and supplement science in all areas of life.
The contributions of the greatest scientists of ancient India have been made in appropriate circumstances.
Like other textbooks, these textbooks help students develop competencies and skills.
The main hope of the Department of Public Education is that this textbook will also help the students of Karnataka to achieve their achievement at the national level, academically and competitively by focusing on national educational development and development.

A preamble is an introductory statement in a document that explains the document’s philosophy and objectives. In a Constitution, it presents the intention of its framers, the history behind its creation, and the core values and principles of the nation.

Every NCERT textbook contains The Preamble to the Constitution of India.

Children are the future builders of a Nation. Therefore, it's necessary to make them understand what the great people in our history dreamt about their Nation, which could lead the children to a path of righteousness and strive towards the development of the country.

”This Preamble

(i) Provides a standard to examine and evaluates any law and action of the government to find out whether it is good or bad,

(ii) Shows the way the government ought to run,

(iii) Seeks to give the citizens all types of freedoms-freedom of thought and expression, freedom of belief and worship, etc., and

(iv) Seeks to provide equality of status and opportunity to all individuals thus promoting a sense of brotherhood among all citizens.
Declaration of Authors:

Contains declaration of authors page.

Foreward (Regarding policy and Framework)

In this section, The National Curriculum Framework, (NCF), 2005, recommends that children’s life at school must be linked to their life outside the school. This principle marks a departure from the legacy of bookish learning which continues to shape our system and causes a gap between the school, home, and community. The syllabi and textbooks developed on the basis of NCF signify an attempt to implement this basic idea.
They also attempt to discourage rote learning and the maintenance of sharp boundaries between different subject areas. We hope these measures will take us significantly further in the direction of a child-centered system of education outlined in the National Policy on Education (1986).

They have mentioned that the success of this effort depends on the steps that school principals and teachers will take to encourage children to reflect on their own learning and to pursue imaginative activities and questions. We must recognize that, given space, time, and freedom, children generate new knowledge by engaging with the information passed on to them by adults. Inculcating creativity and initiative is possible if we perceive and treat children as participants in learning, not as receivers of a fixed body of knowledge.
These aims imply a considerable change in school routines and mode of functioning.

Here they have said that the methods used for teaching and evaluation will also determine how effective this textbook proves for making children’s life at school a happy experience,
rather than a source of stress or boredom. 

The textbook attempts to enhance this endeavor by giving higher priority and space to opportunities for contemplation and wondering discussion in small groups, and activities requiring hands-on experience.

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) appreciates the hard work done by the textbook development team responsible for this book.
Cover Page: 

2 cover page is used. 

Colored, Attractive
Quality of paper: 

Quality of binding: 


Font size used and its appropriateness: 

Content List:

This index list needs to be arranged in order and should have subheadings as whether it is Physics, Chemistry, or Environmental Science. I felt if Roman letter for main heading and numbers for subheading is used, then it will be easier to differentiate between subtopic and main topic.
It would have been nice if page numbers for all the subtopics are mentioned.

The index should contain a table format with 3 columns (, Content title, Page no) and a border.
The sequencing of lessons / units - logical, psychological

The sequence of the lessons and units in the textbook should be from simple to complex, known to unknown.
There should be plenty of illustrations and examples.
There should be some reflection about the contents at end of the lesson.
Every lesson should begin with an introduction.
There should be a link between the consecutive points and flow should be maintained while describing a concept.
Activity-based on logic and reasoning should be present. If something happens then what should be done? These types of questions should be present based on creating hypotheses and real-life scenarios.
So they should have a psychological effect on students’ knowledge building through assimilation and accommodation.
Total No. of pages: 

282 pages
Total Lessons: 

16 Lessons
Analysis and Synthesis:
Classification of units based on major ideas:

There is a classification of units and lessons based on major ideas that are appropriate.
Presentation of matter:

The presentation of matter is clear and simple. This can be comprehended by the students of adolescent age.
Language Flow and Difficulty Level:

Language flow is easy to understand by students and they are simple to comprehend. Also, The standard of language is very good. Easy for doing self-study.

Here children are engaged in joyfully exploring the world around them and harmonizing with it. They arouse curiosity by exploring the natural environment and doing activities. And also learn science through familiar experiences. By working with simple technological models. Later chapters here scientific concepts are to be arrived at mainly from activities and experiments. By working with advanced technological models. Here they learn science as separate disciplines, with emphasis on experiments/technology and problem-solving.
Sense of proportion:
Subdivision of content into major and minor ideas:

Subdivision of content into major and minor ideas is done properly and, where hierarchy is maintained.
Additional information:

Additional information is given to practice problems.
Ascepts for further thinking:

There is scope and encouragement for learning by thinking. Such as think and act are given here and there which need to be strictly given in all chapters.
Instructions / Diagrams Episodes / Annectodes (Positive and negative):

Instructions are appropriate, Diagrams Episodes and annectodes can be rarely seen.
Labelling / numbering tables / graphs / diagrams completeness:

Figures are numbered but in the index (beginning of the page) pictures list and tables, the list is not provided with page numbers. Equations also should be referenced with numbering.

All diagrams should be labeled properly. Diagram should be big and labelling font should be bold and big enough.
Exercises – Drill / grade comprehensiveness / considering diversification and challenging:

Exercises – Drill / grade comprehensiveness / considering diversification and challenging are provided at the end of each unit.

Exercises problems should be simple, relevant and interesting. Complex and challenging problems and simple problems similar to examples should be provided under different subheadings.

Allowance of projects in permissible limit:

The Activities and Experiments provided should be highlighted with icons to know which is safe and can be conducted at home. And mention the safety measures and steps to conduct the activity.
The danger icon and the difficult icon should be shown which needs to be carried in the laboratory only with teachers’ supervision.
Model Testing Tool:

Model question paper is not provided at end of each chapter. If present then it would be helpful.
Key for each exercises:

Exercises for practice and drill work is been provided at the end of each unit, and an answer key for the same is given at the end.
Glossory of terms used:

Difficult, rarely used terms, technical terms should be defined at end of each unit or a glossary can be mentioned at end of the textbook in alphabetical order.
Subject and Author Index:

Subject and author details should be provided.
Bibliography and Reference:

Bibliography and Reference should be provided at end of each unit or at the end of each textbook.

Final Comments:
Specific Suggestions:

Always definition and meaning should be given after the explination and mentioning characteristics and attributes of particular concept (meaning or definition should be highlighted). 

I felt thrust and pressure definition could be given properly side by side. 2018 reprinted version page number 138, chapter Gravitation, 9th std textbook.

There should have been some clarity between valency and valence electron, Page number 88, chapter periodic classification, 10th std textbook.

Diagram and figure should be numbered and caption should be used. The alignment should be center and the wrap of text should not be there around the figure so that it does not look clumsy (Both 9th and 10th std textbook).

There should be a child-centered approach to learning the content.
A separate book (supplements) should be there for science as a science workbook, teacher lesson plan or handbook (with appropriate teaching methods and strategies), question bank book, Science MCQ, science guide, or tutor book (solved).

When it comes to appearance and sequencing in the structure of atoms roadmap diagram could be used along with years to show the evolution of the atom. 
First I prefer all objectives and teaching/learning points should be mentioned above each chapter/unit beginning.
The heading of the topic should not be in question form.

Topic heading and subtopic heading should be indifferent font size.
Uniform and Nonuniform motions could have been arranged in a proper manner. Currently, it is very confusing.

A permanent video repository from NCERT could be made and that video link (QR code reader) can be shared beside the topic to have good effects of audio and video in real-time.
Also, interactive videos can be made and encouraged.

More examples and scenarios along with pictures and narrations could have been given in the Force chapter.

In all units, differences should be given in a tabular column.
Formulas should be highlighted in a separate box with bold font.

Arrangement of content under Thrust and pressure could have been better with headings as Pressure in solids, Pressure in gasses, and pressure in liquids. And then define what is fluids, which should include liquids and gases).

The book should be made more colorful with pleasant colors and pictures. This makes the textbook more attractive to students. Cartoon and narration should be used where ever necessary.

More examples and scenarios along with pictures and narrations could have been given in Laws of motion. 9th std, chapter force and laws of motion, page – 115.

There should have been some clarity between gravity and gravitational force side by side along with pictures, page - 131, 9th std, chapter Gravitation.

What, define, why and how forms of question should not be asked in the headings of a topic. For example the heading should be meaning of energy, and not define the meaning of energy, they should be highlighted in bold with different colors.

Under Potential energy, they could have mentioned 2 types. It is not evident in this current textbook. Page – 150, 9th std, chapter work and energy.

Quotes could have been provided at the beginning of each chapter. That could have inspired the stdents more.
General Suggestions:

It would have better for the teacher/learner if:

The syllabus is given at the beginning of the books.

The number of teachers’/parents ’ notes should be increased.

Gender and inclusion perspectives should be more taken care of in textbooks.

The number of open-ended questions and group activities should be increased.

The number of questions to test the reasoning and creative abilities of learners are included.

More activities are provided for hands-on experiences and scope for exploration by the children to go beyond the textbooks.
Overall Satisfaction:

I am 80% satisfied with the current textbook. 20% improvement should be made according to the review done in this report.

It is good that Scientist names, descriptions are given with pictures in the textbook at appropriate places.

Summary is provided at end of each unit, looks good and make it easy to quickly glance the concept.

Curriculum Load

It is found that there is connectivity and sequencing of concepts within and across the chapters

In general, the language of the textbooks including style and vocabulary is simple and
comprehensible for the learner for all classes.

The meanings of technical terms are given at appropriate places in all textbooks.

Child-Centered Approach

As per observation, themes and concepts introduced in the textbook are consistent
with the children’s age and cognitive development.

Almost all activities are related to real-life experiences and contexts of the children.

It can be observed that the scope for exploration by the children to go beyond the textbooks, problem-solving, project. The textbooks provide more scope for children’s questioning.

All the textbooks have an adequate number of problems/exercises. Most of the exercises promote practicing a concept along with creativity or skills development.

This Textbooks is helpful for self-learning, self-assessment.

Self-learning is evaluated through an adequate number of questions and explanations of concepts/topics covered in the book. The scope of self-assessment is done mainly by providing answer keys to unsolved problems.

The questions are given in the exercises of the textbook cover all the concepts of the relevant topic. There are a variety of questions in each textbook that provide opportunities for reflection for the child. Also, the questions of textbooks are based on inductive thinking.

At the end of the chapter, the textbooks provide more scope for questions in testing the reasoning and creative abilities of learners.


Visuals used in textbooks are adequate, child-friendly, and colorful.
The gender perspective is taken care of in all the textbooks
Inclusion perspective is considered in textbooks.

This textbook is well presented and written in simple language.

In the textbook, learning outcomes should be properly mentioned at the beginning of each chapter.

Most of the themes and concepts introduced are consistent with the children’s age.

The number of problems is adequate with a variety. The textbooks are colourful to attract the child for learning with curiosity.
Sensitivity issues:

To respect all sensitive issues like community, castes, ethnicity, religion, women, language, and other minorities, the book should not contain any statements against castes and religion. And should use person names that are used in all religions throughout the textbook. Thus diversity should be respected.

National Concerns

This textbook promote constitutional values by using names of children related to
different communities.

They have used names from different communities of India as well and of different racial and ethnic backgrounds in examples and questions.

No constitutional values are violated at any place in the textbooks.

Gender and inclusive perspective are considered in textbooks.

The requirements of children with special needs in making the text are not considered.


Disclaimer: This review is for information purposes only. The opinions in this article are those of the individual who wrote this article. No other individual or company affiliated with this article warrants its completeness and accuracy. No one should be relied on this article as such.

ಹಕ್ಕುತ್ಯಾಗ: ಈ ವಿಮರ್ಶೆಯು ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಉದ್ದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಮಾತ್ರ. ಈ ಲೇಖನದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯಗಳು ಈ ಲೇಖನವನ್ನು ಬರೆದ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯ ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯಗಳಾಗಿವೆ. ಈ ಲೇಖನದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಯೋಜಿತವಾಗಿರುವ ಯಾವುದೇ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ ಅಥವಾ ಕಂಪನಿಯು ಅದರ ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣತೆ ಮತ್ತು ನಿಖರತೆಯನ್ನು ಖಾತರಿಪಡಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಈ ಲೇಖನವನ್ನು ಯಾರೂ ಅವಲಂಬಿಸಬಾರದು.

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