Monday, 24 January 2022

Lesson Plan - Science - Education - For student teachers (B.Ed Notes)

College: Vijaya Teachers College (CTE)

Batch: 2019-21

Student Teacher Name: Nagashwini N




Subject: Physical Science

Date: 3-8-2021

Name of School:


Karnataka Public School - Uttrahali

Unit: Magnetic effects of electric current

Time: 45 min

Standard: 8th

Topic: Magnets and its applications





1.Teaching Points


1. Magnetic Field lines and its properties

2. Demonstration how electricity produce magnetic field. Activity (Procedure)

3. Magnetic Field due to current in a Solenoid


2. Content Analysis


1. Magnetic Field lines and its properties


Properties of magnetic field lines (Concept)


  • The magnitude of magnetic field lines decreases as we move away from a magnet

  • A magnetic field flows from the North to the South Pole.

  • Field lines cannot cross.

  • Field lines are continuous loops.



2. Demonstration how electricity produce magnetic field. Activity (Procedure)


A simple electric circuit in which a straight copper wire is placed parallel to and over a compass needle. The deflection in the needle becomes opposite when the direction of current is reversed.


Right hand thumb rule:

Convinent way to find the direction of magnetic field associated with current carrying conductor.


3. Magnetic field due to current in a Solenoid


Activity on Electromagnet (Procedure)


How to make a small electromagnet model (Improvised appratus)

Explain the parts of electromagnet model and explain how it works.


Meaning of Solenoid (Concept)


Activity on Solenoid (Procedure)

Experiment on application of solenoid valve.



The pupil will:



Instructional objective

Task Analysis


Explain the Properties of magnetic field lines (Understanding)

1. Recall what is magnet and its types



2. Recognize poles of the magnet



3. List the properties of permanent magnet



4. Identify the magnetic fields and its properties using inducto deductive method



5. Recognize magnetic field lines



6. List the Properties of magnetic field lines using 3 examples



7. Explain the Properties of magnetic field lines





Explain the meaning of magnetic effect of electric current (Understanding)

1. Identify the copper wire



2. Recall what is metal conductor



3. Identify the circuit



4. Give examples of conductor



5. Identify the compass defelection due to earth’s magnetic field



6. identify that there is deflection in compass when magnet is moved towards it



7. explain why compass needle gets deflected when current passed through the wire



8. recognize the direction of deflection from circuit diagram



9. Explain the meaning of magnetic effect of electric current?


Explain the Meaning of Solenoid and explain one of its applications (Understanding)

1. Experiment with electromagnet



2. Identify the advantages of temporary magnets over permanent magnets



3. list the uses of electromagnets



4. recognize the factors on which electromagnets depends on



5. recognize the solenoid



6. Identify the solenoid three models (Paper, improvized, original dimanteled piece and working model)






8. Explain the Meaning of Solenoid and explain one of its applications


4. Instructional Strategy


1. Magnetic Field lines and its properties


Inducto deductive method


2. Demonstration how electricity produce magnetic field. Activity (Procedure)


Critical inquiry approach


3. Magnetic Field due to current in a Solenoid


Critical inquiry approach


5. Instructional Material


1. Magnetic Field lines and its properties


(Demonstrate 1) Show attracting property

(Demonstrate 2) Show repelling property

(Chart 1) 3 examples horse shoe, bar and disc magnets


2. Demonstration how electricity produce magnetic field. Activity (Procedure)


(Chart 2) Circuit Diagram

(Demonstrate 3) Compass deflected with earth and bar magnet

(Chart 3) Earth and compass diagram

(Demonstrate 4) Show current carrying wire behaves like magnet

(Chart 4) Circuit Diagram with compass and deflection in opposite direction

(Chart 5) Pupils group activity with right hand thumbs rule


3. Magnetic Field due to current in a Solenoid

(Demonstrate 5) Show how water tap valve can be opened and closed

(Demonstrate 6) Experiment with electromagnet to attract steel paper clips

(Chart 6) Solenoid with field lines

(Model 1) Solenoid valve

(Model 2) Solenoid paper model with (cylinder, thread and battery)

(Demonstrate 7) Show model and working principle behind solenoid

(Model 3) Original solenoid valve to show it dismantled

(Demonstartes 8) Show original real piece of solenoid valve parts opened

(Model 3) Original solenoid valve to show it working with power supply

(Demonstartes 9) Use power supply socket and current to show the original working of solenoid valve




Content Analysis

IO in terms of ELO

Learning Experience


Teachers Activity

Pupils Activity



Good Morning Students





Good Morning Teachers





How are you all students?

Fine mam




I want you all to be louder while answering the question. Do not talk inbetween the class with your friends. Raise your hands when I ask question stand up and answer, do not give group answer.

All of you keep all other books inside and take out your rough note book and take down what is written on the board.










How do you open water taps

With hands




Have you seen water taps open automatically when you place hand below the tap, without touching the tap?










Where have you seen automatic water tap?





In milk booths and while sanitizing your hands, by putting your hand near the tap, the tap opens and water flows automatically.





Have you seen coin operated water vending machine?





By puting coin into the machine the water tap automatically opens.





Have you seen washing machine allow waters inside for some time automatically and then stops.





Do you know how the tap opens automatically?

No response or answer




So, students in todays class we will see the applications of magnetic effect of electric currents


So our topic is Electricity, Magnetism and its applications





How water taps opens automatically.

No response or answer


Topic Declaration


Electricity, Magnetism and its applications








1. Magnetic Field lines and its properties

Pupils will be able to explain the Properties of magnetic field lines

What is a magnet

Magnet: An object which attracts magnetic materials; like iron, cobalt and nickel; is called magnet.




Different types of magnet you know?





Show Bar magnet and ask what type of magnet it is?

Bar Magnet









Name the 2 poles present in magnet?

North and south pole




(Demonstrate 1) Show 2 magnets attracting and ask

what is this property called?

2 unlike poles attract each other




(Demonstrate 2) Show 2 magnets repelling and ask

what is this property called?

2 like poles repel each other




Teacher show chart 1 and tell how magnetic field lines are created using iron filings and theses are called imaginary lines.





Show 3 magnetic field line of different magnets





Example 1: Bar magnet

Example 2: Horse shoe magnet

Example 3: Disc Magnet





As we go awaw from magnet the strength or magnitude of magnetic field lines increase or degrease?





Observe the picture and tell me the direction is from north to south or south to north?

North to south




Are the field lines crossing each other

No lines are not crossing each other




Are the field lines straight or in from of curves and are continuous

Curves and are continuous




All the three are examples of metal or magnet?





What are the common things you see in this tables among the three examples.





List the Properties of magnetic field lines

  • The magnitude of magnetic field lines decreases as we move away from a magnet

  • A magnetic field flows from the North to the South Pole.

  • Field lines cannot cross.

  • Field lines are continuous loops.

List the Properties of magnetic field lines











2. Demonstration how electricity produce magnetic field

Pupil will be able to explain the meaning of magnetic effect of electric current?

How do you get electric power or current to your house?

Through wire




Teacher shows a circuit in chart 2 and tell what is this?










What is circuit?

An electric circuit is a closed path in which electrons move to produce electric currents.




What is metal conductor?

A conductor is a material which allow current or electricity, heat to flow through it.




Give examples of conductor?

Iron, copper, steel, brass




Teacher shows copper wire and asks what is this?

Is metal a conductor?

It is copper wire it is a conductor.




Teacher shows iron nail and ask is this a conductor?

Yes. Iron nail is metal, so it is a conductor.




Teacher shows a compass and asks what is this?

It is compass




For what purpose the compass is used?

To check the direction




Shows the chart 3 shows earth and compass and tell to observe the concept of Why does compass always point north?





The north pole of a compass magnet points toward the north. Earth's south magnetic pole is near Earth's geographic north. Earth's magnetic north pole is near Earth's geographic south. That's why the north pole of a compass points toward north because that's where Earth's south magnetic pole is located and they attract.





Teacher shows the ( demonstration 3) on how a magnet needle in a compass is deflected when a bar magnet is brought near it.





Why compass needle gets deflected when bar magnet brought near to it?

Because there is needle magnet inside compass, which aligns according to the nort and south pole of the bar magnet.




Then, she moves to next (demonstartion 4) to show deflection of current.





Teacher will We take a thick, insulated copper straight wire and fix it on board such a way that this wire is in the north-south direction.





A compass is placed parallel to the stratight wire. The two ends of the wire are connected to a cell through a switch by using connecting wires.










Teacher will ask when the switch is off, observe what happens to current flowing in the wire. Tell me your observations

Student say that no current is flowing in the wire,




Observe the compass needle in which direction it is pointing?

then the needle of compass points in its usual north south direction




teacher will close the switch so that an electric current passes through the wire. Tell me your observation

Student say that when current is passing through the wire, then the needle of compass is deflected from its original north-south direction and points in another direction.




Look at the circuit diagram (Chart 4)





In open circuit, what chages you can observe in comapass needle

There is no deflection in needle




In closed circuit is what chages you can observe in comapass needle

There is deflection in needle




Why compass needle gets deflected when current passed through the wire?


Because current carrying wire behaves like a magnet.





Yes, Because current carrying wire behaves like a magnet.





Now teacher shows chart 4 and asks What happens when the current moves from positive to north.

There is deflection towards east




Now teacher shows chart 4 and asks What happens when the current moves from positive to north.

There is deflection towards west




So when a simple circuit in which straight copper wire is placed parallel to and over the compass needle. The deflection of the needle becomes opposite when direction current is reversed.





Magnetic field line in straight conductor looks like concentric circles.










Based on direction of current, we can find the magnetic field associated with current using right hand thumb rule










Let us do an activity of I will make 4 groups.





Each group should discuss with each other and one among you should come and write the direction of magnetic field on (chart 5) with arrows paste it on chart.

Students will come near black board and write the direction on chart of magnetic field based on direction of current.




This magnetic effect of electric current is known as electromagnetic effect.





What is meaning of magnetic effect of electric current?

When an electric current passes through a wire, it behaves like a magnet. This magnetic effect of electric current is known as electromagnetic effect.

What is meaning of magnetic effect of electric current?






3. Magnetic field due to current in a Solenoid

Pupil will explain the Meaning of Solenoid and explain one of its applications

Do you know about temporary magnets?

Some say No / Some say Yes









Teacher (demonstarte 5) shows permanent magnet and tells, to open a water tap you can use permanent magnet, but to close off tap and how to demagnitize a magnet?










Now I will attract iron pins with bar magnet, now can you demagnetize it?





How current carrying wire behaves like?

It behaves like a magnet




Now we were able to create magnet from this current carrying wire. Is this magnet permeanent or temporary?

Temporary magnet




Teachers shows crane lifting heavy cars. And asks to build strong magnets it is not sufficient to use straight wire.










Then how to build strong temporary magnet?

No answer









Now I will show you, how to build temporary magnets. So that temporary magnets can be magnetized (to make it attract like a magnet.) and demagnetized.





Teacher builds electromagnets and do an experiment (Demonstarte 6).





Teacher lifts the iron pieces with the temporary magnet and shows the demagnetization and magnetization effects.





Observe this electromagnet.


An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. Electromagnets usually consist of wire wound into a coil.





An electromagnet can be made very strong, observe the model and tell me what are the componets used to make electromanet?

Iron Nail, Battery and coper wire









Strength of electromagnet can be increased by





(a) by increasing the number of turns in the coil (b) by increasing the current passing through the coil.





Electromagnets are used to lift heavy loads like big machines, steel girders and scrap iron objects for loading and unloading purposes. The electromagnets which are used for loading and unloading heavy iron objects are fitted on cranes.





Advantages of temporary magnets over Permanent Magnets

The magnetism of an electromagnet can be switched on or switched off as desired. This is not possible with a permanent magnet.




Why a temporary magnets are used to lift heavy vehicles and move them from one place to other place?


Temporary magnets such as electromagnets are strong and used to lift heavy vehicles so that it is easy to switch off and on the magnetism whenever necessay while moving them from one place to other.




What are the factors on which strong temporary magnet depends on?

Number of truns and by increasing the current




Now lets us see a solenoid a type of electromagnet. The coil of wire insulated and is wrapped in a shape of cylinder is called solenoid.





Teacher shows model of solenoid.





Observe this picture and tell me on which shape of copper wire turns wrapped closely.

Cylinder shaped object




Teacher shows solenoid (model 1) What is a solenoid?

The coil of wire insulated and is wrapped in a shape of cylinder is called solenoid.




The coil of wire insulated and is wrapped in a shape of cylinder is called solenoid.





Look at the chart 6 of solenoid and the bar magnet their field line are same.

Students find the similarities in them.




Observe this model 2 and (demonstartes 7) see, how the solenoid works. When an iron rod placed partially inside the solenoid connected to current, tries to allign itseld to the cyllinder, when current is passed.










Now look at this water tap real original piece (Demonstartes 8), which uses solenoid valve.





Observe this real solonoid valve (model 3) when electricity is passed the cilinder which is partially outside will align its self with cylinder and focus on the cylinder part which as spring to come back to its original position when demagnitized.

Thus it opens and closes the value of water tap.





The solenoid valve (model 4) (demonstartes 9)(Teacher shows real solenoid valve in working condition), a temporary magnet, water taps opens automatically. when current is passed to a copper coil present on the cylinder, a soft iron core inside gets maganetized and pushes iron rod inside to align it to the cylinders magnet so the switch is turned on of the water tap.





Thus solenoid and electromagnets acts like magnet when current is passed through it.





How magnetic fields are produced by electric currents





If an electric current is passed through a long coil of wire (a solenoid) a magnetic field is produced.





How electricity produce magnetic field?

An electromagnet or solenoid has a magnetic field created by electric current.




What is a solenoid?

The coil of wire insulated and is wrapped in a shape of cylinder is called solenoid.

What is a solenoid?






Revisit ICA


How water taps opens automatically.

Using solenoid valve, a temporary magnet, water taps opens automatically. when current is passed to a copper coil present on the cylinder, a soft iron core inside gets maganetized and pushes iron rod inside to align it to the cylinders magnet so the switch is turned on of the water tap.

How water taps opens automatically



In the ceiling fan, current is supplied and then it electric motor rotates, is this due to magnetic effect of electric current?

Yes, Current produces magnetic effect




Where all electric motors are used?

Fan, toys, cars, washing machine, water pumps.




List the applications of electromagnets or solenoid

To lift heavy vehicles, Heavy metal loads in cranes, washing machine, electric bell, coffee vending machine.




Students in this class we have seen how does electric current produce magnetic field, In next class we will see how magnets produce electricity in detail.



Home Assignment


List the properties of magnetic field lines.


Explain right hand thumb’s rule.


How to increase the strength of temporary magnets?




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